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Emma Empociello (France)

October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023

Emma Empociello is a PhD candidate in Political Science at Center Emile Durkheim at Sciences Po Bordeaux, France and a Fulbright Fellow at UC San Diego (10/2022-09/2023). She works on comparative public policies, migration politics and international cooperation.

Her research dissertation compares migration politics in Greece, Hungary and Jordan, within which she has been carrying out intensive fieldwork since 2017. Now, she focuses on the history of cooperation between the U.S. and Jordan, and U.S. migration politics. She is based in San Diego and carries out fieldwork in Washington D.C. and at the Mexico-United States border.

Prior to her being awarded the Fulbright fellowship, she has attained numerous grants from various institutions including Sciences Po Bordeaux and the French Institute of the Near East. She is affiliated to the French Collaborative Institute on Migration (2021-2025) and the French Institute of the Near East in Amman and Beirut (2019-2023). She was also a research fellow at ELTE university in Budapest (2018) and at the Center for International Studies (CERI) Sciences Po Paris (2020). She was a teaching assistant at Sciences Po Paris (2019-2021) for M.A. courses on politics in the Middle East and migration governance. She has also participated in several European funded projects such as the Jean Monnet-Erasmus+ project POWERS (Peace, War, and the world in European security challenges) and H2020 project, MAGYC (Migration Governance and asYlum Crises).

She spent several years (2017-2020) doing fieldwork in Jordan, Greece and Hungary and has specialized on public policies towards asylum seekers and refugees, including national and international migration politics, international law and refugee camps.


Her Fulbright research project aims to refine her knowledge of international donations to borderlands and to better understand the international circulation of knowledge between different border regimes. She will be a Visiting Graduate Student at CCIS between October 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023.