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External Research Associates

One of CCIS’s chief responsibilities is to develop one of the world’s most comprehensive research networks of scholars on the theme of international migration. To this aim, we have developed an extensive group of affiliates, both inside the UC system and externally.


Name Affiliation Department Email Research Focus/Specialty
Abella, Manolo International Labor Office International Migration Programme; International labour migration.
Abraham, David University of Miami School of Law Immigration law; Citizenship and membership; Comparative law/Europe/EEC
Adams, Laura University of San Diego School of Law Immigration law; Refugee law
Adelman, Howard York University
Centre for Refugee Studies
Early warning and conflict management; The genocide in Rwanda; The Rwanda crisis from Uganda to Zaire
Agrela, Belen University of Jaén
Psychology Immigration policies with immigrants in Spain; Institutional construction of cultural and ethnic differences; Immigration and welfare; Anthropology of policy; Immigration and gender
Alanis, Fernando El Colegio de San Luis Potosi (Mexico)
History Impacts in Mexico of Mass Return Migration from the United States, 1929 – 1934
Alarcon, Rafael El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Tijuana, Mexico)
Social Studies Role of immigrant labor in high-tech industries in the U.S.; Economic and social linkages between Mexican labor-exporting communities and California receiving communities
Alba, Richard D. University at Albany, SUNY Sociology Race and ethnicity; Immigration; Quantitative methods and statistics; Demography
Albahari, Maurizio University of Notre Dame Anthropology International migration; Globalization, European societies
Alexseev, Mikhail A. San Diego State University Political Science Socioeconomic and psychological bases of inter-ethnic hostility arising from migration; preventive monitoring of hostility with opinion surveys and event-data systems; Chinese migration in the Russian Far East
Alfaro-Velcamp, Theresa Sonoma State University History Middle Eastern Immigrants in Modern Mexico, Mexican Immigration Policy
Alscher, Stefan CINTLI Tortillas Berlin Founder and owner of CINTLI Tortillas. Migration Studies, Sustainable Development
Altamirano, Teofilo
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Center for Research on Sociology, Economics, Politics and Anthropology (CISEPA) 

Research and writing on environmental migration. My research site is located in Peruvian Andes.

Geographical/topical area of interest: Andean countries

Anderson-Fye, Eileen P. Case Western Reserve University Bioethics, School of Medicine Studies how adolescents and young adults adapt to changes in their environments in ways that both advance and harm their well-being
Andreas, Peter Brown University Political Science and International Studies Border policing; Immigration control; Migrant smuggling
Aneesh, A.
University of Wisconsin Sociology and Global Studies Globalization; International migration; Science and technology; Economic Sociology; Sociological Theory; Ethnographic Methods; Intellectual Property
Ardittis, Solon Eurasylum Ltd Chairman and Managing Director European immigration and asylum policy, and issues of human trafficking/smuggling in Europe and internationally
Ataç, Ilker University of Vienna Development Studies Immigration and asylum policy in Europe (Austria, Germany, Turkey); Citizenship; Ethnicity; Immigrant participation and anti-racist movements; Political economy
Ayon, David Loyola Marymount University Political Science Political participation and representation of Latino immigrants in the United States
Balch, Alex
University of Liverpool Department of Politics Immigration and asylum policies in UK, Spain and the EU; Rights-based approaches to tackling forced labour and human trafficking
Batalova, Jeanne Migration Policy Institute Migration Data Hub Impacts on Immigrants on society and labor markets: Social and economic mobility of first-and second-generation youth and young adults; Policies and practices regulating immigration and integration of highly skilled workers and foreign students in the United States and other countries
Graziano Battistella, Renato Scalabrini Migration Center (Philippines) Moral Theology and Migration Irregular migration in Southeast Asia
Bauböck, Rainer
European University Institute, Florence Political and Social Sciences Transnational citizenship; Migration in political theory; Theories of Nationalism
Bauer, Thomas K.
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA — Bonn, Germany) University of Bochum Economics Labor market effects of immigration and immigration policy in Germany
Beal, Anne University of Chicago Social Sciences Collegiate Division Consumption; Identity formation; Nationalism; Gender and capitalism; Globalization theory; Technology; Arab societies; Palestinian migrants and Jordanians; Contemporary U.S.
Berger, Roni Adelphi University School of Social Work Trauma in cross cultural context
Bernhard, Judith K. Ryerson University School of Early Childhood Studies Issues of cultural diversity in human development; Method of ethnographic study with immigrant communities; Schooling for disadvantaged groups; Refugee health and welfare; Intersection of race, class and gender in experiences of minorities
Bertossi, Christopher Institute for International Relations (IFRI), Paris Political Science Ethnic, racial, and religious diversity within state institutions (the military, hospitals) in France from a comparative perspective
Beydoun, Lina Adelphi University Sociology Immigrant entrepreneurs, ethnic minorities and multiculturalism, citizenship, Lebanese migration to West Africa and the USA, Arab societies
Black, Richard SOAS, University of London
Development Studies Migration and refugee issues across Africa, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe
Bleakley, Hoyt University of Michigan Economics Economic History, Development, Labor Economics, International Macroeconomics
Boehm, Deborah University of Nevada Anthropology How immigration and the production of "illegality" intersect with gendered family relations; the experiences of children and youth in transnational perspective; and, most recently, immigration control, detention, and deportation in the 21st century. 
Boyd, Monica University of Toronto Sociology International migration to North America; Immigration policy; Immigrant women; Immigrant offspring; Labour market insertion of migrants
Bozorgmehr, Mehdi City College of New York, CUNY Sociology Immigration, Urban, Economic and Political Sociology, Middle Eastern Americans
Bravo Moreno, Ana
University of Granada Social Anthropology Latin-American households in Spain: the impact of regularization
Brenes Camacho, Gilbert Universidad de Costa Rica School of Statistics Indirect estimation techniques for measuring migration flows and stocks; Migration and labor markets; Migration and health issues; Crime statistics
Brettell, Caroline Bieler Southern Methodist University Anthropology Social, economic, and political incorporation of new immigrants in Dallas; Portuguese emigration/immigration (in U.S., Canada, Europe); The impact of emigration on the sending society
Brownell, Peter B. RAND Corporation Immigrants and immigration, with a particular focus on migration between Mexico and the United States.
Calda, Milos Charles University, Prague North American Studies Immigration; American history; Demography; Social policy; Cultural studies
Cano, Gustavo
The National Autonomous University of Mexico National School of Higher Studies Currently doing research on Mexican and American Politics, Transnational Crime, and Emotional Health
Carney, Megan A. University of Arizona Anthropology & Center for Regional Food Studies I am a feminist medical and sociocultural anthropologist and associate professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona, studying migration, health, state violence, and livelihood and liberation struggles in borderlands, including around food and water insecurity. I conduct ethnographic and community-based collaborative research primarily in the US Southwest and the central Mediterranean.
Carpena-Méndez, Josefa (Fina) Oregon State University Anthropology Childhoods and youths in late capitalism, neoliberalism, post-development and migration; Transnational families and emergent forms of life, learning, experience, and embodiment in a globalized world
Concepción Carrasco Carpio, María University of Alcala Economics Labor market integration of immigrants
Castaneda, Alejandra El Colegio de la Frontera Norte Observatory of Legislation and Migration Policy Immigration policy and human rights; Citizenship; Legal anthropology
Castellanos, Maria Bianet University of Minnesota American Studies Indigenous communities and cultures, migration, anthropology of work, Chicana/o studies, Latin America, transnationalism, gender studies, consumption
Catanzarite, Lisa UNITE-LA
Research and Evaluation Oversees research and evaluation activities in education and workforce development
Ceyhan, Ayse Sciences Po Paris Political Science Specialized in issues of security, technology and identity
Chakravartty, Paula
New York University Gallatin School and the Department of Media, Culture and Communication

Comparative political economy of media industries, postcolonial and critical race theory, and social movements and global governance
Chavez, Sergio Rice University Sociology nternal and international migration, work, border studies, social networks, gender, emotions, qualitative and ethnographic methods
Chesnokov, Aleksey S. Ural State University (Russia) Political Science and Sociology International migration in Russia and former Soviet Union countries; Comparative immigration in Russia, the U.S., and the European Union; Immigration and political transformation; Immigrant social integration and public intolerance toward immigrants
Chin, Margaret May Hunter College Sociology Chinese, Mexican, Ecuadorian, and Dominican immigrant garment workers in New York
Chiswick, Barry R. University of Illinois at Chicago Economics Labor economics and human resources; Immigration and minorities; Public policy analysis
Choe, Hyung Sung Silla University Early Childhood Education Self-efficacy; Asian-American; Culture and human development; Parenting and parent education; Female international marriage immigrants; Children and adolescents development
Christou, Anastasia
Middlesex University Criminology & Sociology Seeks to interrogate constructions and limitations to cultural citizenship and belonging with the rise of contemporary exclusions in understanding how both states and social subjects shape social relations
Chung, Angie Y. SUNY Albany Sociology Urban Sociology and Community Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Immigration, Gender and Family, Asian American Studies, Ethnography and Qualitative Methods, Globalization of Higher Education
Chung, Erin Aeran John Hopkins University Political Science East Asian political economy, international migration, civil society, and comparative racial politics
Chung, Haeng-ja Okayama University, Japan Institute of Global Human Resorce Development Migration, Labor, Gender
Clo, Clarissa San Diego State University European Studies Italian culture, literature, film, music, popular culture, postcolonial, migration and diaspora studies, feminist and queer studies
Cohen, Jeffrey H. The Ohio State University Anthropology Mexican migration to the United States (especially from the state of Oaxaca), development in migrant-sending areas, and nutrition
Cook-Martin, David University of Colorado, Boulder
Sociology David.Cook-2@Colorado.EDU
Political sociology, sociology of race and ethnicity, sociology of law, international migration, citizenship
Cranford, Cynthia University of Toronto Sociology Gender, Work Occupations and Organizations, International Migration, Labour and Industrial Relations
Dabach, Dafney Blanca University of Washington College of Education Immigration and education
De Bruycker, Philippe Institute for European Studies, the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Sciences Po-Paris Law European Immigration and Asylum Law, Free movement of European citizens and comparative aliens law
Delgado, Hector
University of La Verne Sociology-Anthropology Unionization, immigrants, and race and ethnicity
Derwing, Tracey M.
University of Alberta Educational Psychology Second Language Acquisition , L2 Pronunciation, Intelligibility, Comprehensibility, Accentedness, and Immigrant Settlement Issues
DeWind, Josh Social Science Research Counci Migration Program and the Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) Programs Migration, including interest in education, development, and religion
Dietz, Gunther Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico Minority integration and development policies in indigenous regions, ethnicity, and intercultural and interreligious education. Concept of ethnic and multiculturalist movements and non-governmental organizations as new social actors.
Dryden-Peterson, Sarah
Harvard University Education Local integration of refugees in countries of first asylum; The role of schools in the reception of immigrants and refugees; African immigrants and refugees in Boston and Toronto
Du Bry, Travis Los Angeles Southwest College Anthropology Immigrants and migrants, agribusiness, agrarian studies, farm laborers, rural areas, borderlands, socialchange, transnationalism, globalization, applied anthropology, Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, Latinos,California, United States, Michoac‡n, Mexico, Andaluc’a, southern Spain
Duran Ruiz, Francisco Javier Universidad de Granada (Spain) Administrative Law Immigration policy in Spain and EU; Legal and administrative situation of foreigners in Spain
Smith, Betty Elaine
Eastern Illinois University
Geography Ecuador Spain migration
Engstrom, David W. San Diego State University Social Work International social work, cross-border and immigration issues, survivors of torture, vicarious resilience
Escandell, Xavier Grinnell College Director of DASIL Explores immigration, transnationalism, and race/ethnic relations in the context of Western, Eastern Europe and Latin America
Escobar, Cristina Temple University Sociology Political Sociology, International Migration, Citizenship and Political Participation, Transnationalism, Race and Ethnicity, Social Movements, Development, Comparative Historical, Latin America/Latino Studies
Escobar-Latapi, Agustin CIESAS-Occidente (Mexico)
Economic determinants and consequences of Mexican migration to the United States
Espenshade, Thomas Princeton University Sociology Social demography
Espitia, Marilyn San Diego City College Sociology University of Houston, Department of Sociology
Favell, Adrian University of Leeds, England Sociology and Social Theory Migration; European Union; Japanese contemporary culture; cities; contemporary art and architecture; social and political theory; philosophy of social science
Feldblum, Miriam Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration mfeldblum@
Increasing public understanding of how immigration policies and practices impact our students, campuses and communities. 
Fetzer, Joel S. Pepperdine University Political Science International migration, ethnic relations, religion and politics, and indigenous rights in the regions of Western Europe, North America, and East Asia.
Flores-Yeffal,  Nadia Y. Texas Tech University Sociology Social cohesion, support systems, and consequences to families and individuals during Mexican-U.S. immigration.
Foner, Nancy Hunter College Sociology Comparative study of immigration - comparing immigration today with earlier periods in the United States, the immigrant experience in various American gateway cities, and immigrant minorities in the United States and Europe
Foster, Michelle Melbourne Law School International refugee law; International human rights law
Fox, Jon University of Bristol Sociology Nationalism, ethnicity, racism, and migration
Freeman, Gary University of Texas, Austin Government Politics of immigration, comparative social policy, politics in western democracies
Friman, H. Richard Marquette University Political Science Politicization of immigrant crime in advanced industrial countries; Comparative immigration policy in Japan, Germany and the United States; Role of global cities in integrating diverse migration streams; Organized crime and migrant smuggling and trafficking into Japan
Gabaccia, Donna R. University of Toronto Scarborough Historical and Cultural Studies
International migration, gender and food studies
Garcia y Griego, Manuel University of New Mexico History American West, Modern Mexico, U.S. Latino Population
Garner, Steve Cardiff University School of Social Sciences Racialisation and the ways in which it intersects with nation, class and gender - in different places at different times
Gastélum, Yvonne Aimé San Diego State University Political Science
Political Theory
Gershberg, Alec Ian University of Pennsylvania Sociology Social and education policy, public finance and economic analysis in both developing and OECD countries
Schiller, Nina Glick University of Manchester, UK  Social Anthropology Nina.GlickSchiller
Transnational migration, cities, globalization, locality, religion and migration, methodological nationalism
Goldring, Luin York University Sociology Immigration , Sociology, Citizenship and non-citizenship, Precarious work, Transnational migration, Sociology
Gonzalez de la Rocha, Mercedes CIESAS (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social) Anthropology Gender roles in Mexican migration to the United States; Migration and the household economy
Hakuta, Kenji Stanford University Graduate School of Education Long-term analysis of Spanish language skills, use, and attrition in Bay Area Latino students from different immigration backgrounds; Individual and age-related differences in second language learning
Halkias, Daphne International School of Management Management and Research Immigrant entrepreneurship in the Balkan/Eastern Mediterranean region and economic and social factors influencing female immigrant entrepreneurship
Hamilton, Kimberly Migration Policy Institute Global Policy and Advocacy Migration Information Source; Comparative migration policy; Government and civil society organizations; Migration from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe and integration challenges in the European context
Harris, Paul A. Auburn University Political Science Comparative immigration policy; German politics and policy; State & local government
Hedetoft, Ulf University of Copenhagen Humanities European nationalism and national identities in comparative, historical, and intercultural perspective; International migration, ethnic relations, social and cultural integration; Political cultures in contemporary Europe and North America; European integration; Transatlantic relations; Globalization and the nation-state
Henneybry, Jenna L. Wilfrid Laurier University
Communication Studies Comparative studies of migration policy and foreign worker programs, migrant rights and health, the formation of migration industries, non-state migration mediation, racialization and representation of migrants, and the role of remittances in development
Herrera, Manuel Universidad de Granada, Spain; The role of the Spanish states and U.S. civil society in international migration
Herzog, Lawrence San Diego State University School of Public Affairs Migration, urbanization, and infrastructure development in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands
Heyman, Josiah McC. University of Texas at El Paso Sociology and Anthropology U.S.-Mexico border; Immigration and state power; Law enforcement
Maher, Kristen Hill San Diego State University Political Science Female labor migration; The international maid trade; Migrant workers in Southern California’s suburban service sector; Anti-immigrant and nationalist rhetoric
Seif, Haley Hinda University of Illinois Springfield Women and Gender Studies Mexican migration and the US-Mexico border; interactions of gender, race/ethnicity, class, sexuality, and nation; critical policy studies; law and society; human rights and citizenship; labor and work; Latino Studies; qualitative research methods
Hirsch, Jennifer S. Columbia
Sociomedical Sciences Family and Community Structure, Gender Bias, Immigrant Health, Minority Health, Social / Cultural Issues, Social Factors in Health, Violence, Women's Health, Global Health, Refugee Health, HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender Health, Sexuality, Family Planning, Reproductive Health
Hirschman, Charles
University of Washington  Sociology Immigration and ethnicity; Social stratification and mobility; Southeast Asia
Hoffnung-Garskof, Jesse University of Michigan History Latina/o Studies; Latino studies, Latin American and Caribbean history, transnational migrations, music, race and ethnicity
Hollifield, James F. Southern Methodist University Political Science Political economy of immigration in France, Germany, and the United States
Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette University of Southern California Sociology University of Southern California, Department of Sociology; Gender issues in Mexican migration to the United States
Honig, Bonnie Brown Political Science Political thought of Thomas Jefferson; Constitutional democracy
Horton, Sarah University of Colorado Denver Anthropology Migration and transnationalism; Citizenship and "illegality"; Binational health care; Medical travel; Health disparities; Farmworker health; Medical anthropology; US-Mexico borderlands
Hunger, Uwe University of Muenster (Germany) Institute for Political Science Interrelationships among transnational migration, social network formation, and socio-economic development in India
Hyndman, Jennifer York University Social Sciences Conflict, human displacement, and the geopolitics of humanitarian response and refugee protection; and Refugee settlement, participation and social inclusion in Canada
Ibarra, Maria de la Luz San Diego State University Chicana/o Studies Labor market incorporation of female Mexican immigrant service workers
Inda, Jonathan Xavier University of Illinois Latina/Latino Studies Anthropology of globalization; Governmentality and life politics; Race, science and medicine; Migrant/diasporic cultures; Latinos; US
Iredale, Robyn University of Wollongong School of Geosciences International migration especially skilled migration; Social transformation in the Asia Pacific; Human resources development and issues of skill transfer; Women in migration; Refugees; Education and training
Ireland, Patrick Illinois Institute of Technology Political Science Migration and migrant integration policies; Urban politics; Ethnic relations; Migrant and minority health; Comparative politics and public policy
Ishikawa, Eunice Akemi Shizuoka University
International Studies Japanese-Brazilian immigration to Japan
Iskander, Natasha NYU Wagner Urban Planning and Public Service Labor migration and its relationship to economic development, labor mobilization and its relationship to workforce development and processes of institutional innovation and organizational learning.
Ivanovna, Makhovskaya Olga Russian Academy of Sciences The Institute of Psychology Russian Diasporas: Integration program Acculturation of Russian emigrant families in Western democracies; Comparative socialization of their children in the U.S. and France; Educative programs for immigrant children from the FSU; Professional migration from the former Soviet Union; Post-Soviet female immigration
Izquierdo, Antonio University of Corua (Spain) Sociology and Political Science Migratory policy and irregular migration in Spain
Jacobson, David University of South Florida Sociology Citizenship and membership, primarily in Western Europe and the United States; International human rights law and immigration; International institutions; European citizenship; National and transnational communities
Jasikova, Irena Masaryk University Sociology Migration of highly skilled people in Europe (within European Union and between EU and associated countries on the eastern border of the EU); East-West migration in general; immigration policy of European countries and their impact on both sending and receiving countries
Jeffrey, David MIT, Department of Political Science; Electoral participation by immigrants in Sweden, the Netherlands, Ireland, Denmark, and Norway
Jones-Correa, Michael Princeton Political Science American politics; political participation and civic engagement; immigrant incorporation,
naturalization and political mobilization; Latino politics and public opinion; racial and
ethnic politics and identity; inter-ethnic contact, negotiation and coalition-building;
comparative urban politics
Karim, Persis M. San Francisco State University Comparative & World Literature Iranian diaspora studies, U.S. ethnic literature, global and comparative literature, literature and film of migration, exile, and diaspora, Middle East Studies
Karjanen, David University of Minnesota American Studies Comparative political economy, with a particular emphasis on low wage work, informal work, and urbanization
Kessler, Alan University of Texas, Austin LBJ School of Public Affairs Intelligence and National Security, International Affairs and Diplomacy, Research and Empirical Methods

Kasinitz, Philip The Graduate Center and Hunter College, CUNY Sociology Ethnography|Race, Ethnicity, and Migration|Urban Sociology
Kim, Minjeong San Diego State University Sociology Gender, family and international migration, as well as Asian American studies and the media
Kim, Nadia Loyola Marymount University Sociology
Immigration; Asian/American Studies; Gender; Race and Class; Globalization Culture and Media
Kim, Richard Sookjoo University of Michigan, Department of History; 20th century United States history; Asian American history; Immigration history; Diaspora and transnational studies; Nationalism; Race and ethnicity
King, Diane E. University of Kentucky Anthropology Identity; Migration; Gender; Kinship; The State; Globalization, Kurdish studies
Klausen, Jytte Brandeis University Department of Politics Domestic and international terrorism. Islam in the West. Immigration and social cohesion
Koff, Harlan University of Luxembourg Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Integration politics; political ideologies; Immigration in Europe; Political economy of immigration; Nationalism and extremism; Social movements; Comparative social policy
Koido, Akihiro Hitotsubashi University
U.S. border enforcement and recent migration from southern Mexico to Tijuana
Kondo, Atsushi Kyushu Sangyo University Economics Immigration policy; Citizenship
Koopmans, Ruud WZB Berlin Social Science Center Migration, Integration, Transnationalization Immigration and integration policies; European integration; Evolutionary sociology; Social movement; Right-wing radicalism
Kopinak, Kathryn

University of Western Ontario


The impact of employment in export industries on migration from Mexico to the US and from Morocco to Spain
Korytova, Stepanka (Stephanie) University of Wisconsin Milwaukee School of Continuing Education Modern Atlantic world; Ethnicity; Slavic diasporas; Transnationalism; Internationalism; Nationalism; Modern Central Europe; Gender issues; Cultural studies
Krissman, Fred Humboldt State University Anthropology International migration, farm labor markets, agricultural systems, illegal commodities (undocumented labor and cannabis), socioeconomic inequalities, cultural and subcultural interactions
Kuwahara, Yasuo Dokkyo University The role of foreign workers in the Japanese and U.S. economies; Corporate trainee programs for foreign workers
Lahav, Gallya Stony Brook University, SUNY
Political Science Comparative Political Behavior, and has pedagogical interests in European politics, Immigration and Refugee Politics, Extreme-Right politics, Public Opinion, Political Culture, and Politics of International Security
Lan, Pei-Chia National Taiwan University Sociology Work and gender; Labor migration in Asia
Lazin, Fred Ben Gurion University (BGU) in Israel Politics and Government
Israel’s social integration policies for Russian and Ethiopian immigrants; “Freedom of Choice” (for Soviet Jews) among American Jewish Organizations
Le Texier, Emmanuelle Universita de Lia¨ge (Belgium), Centre d’Etudes de l’Ethnicita et des Migrations (CEDEM); Exclusion and participation in the Barrio
Lee, Alison Universidad de las Americas Puebla Anthropology Ecological conservation and development programs in rural areas; The impact of neoliberal policies and migration in rural communities; Mexican immigrant communities in the US Northeast; New migrant sending areas in southern Mexico
Lee, Catherine Y. Rutgers University Sociology Race and ethnicity; gender; immigration; political sociology, comparative-historical sociology; science and medicine; law and society
Lee, Sae-Jae
Kumoh National University Industrial Engineering Language skills, education, and religion in Korean Immigration to the U.S.
Levitt, Peggy Wellesley College Sociology Transnational migration and communities; Religious and political transnationalism; Dominican immigrants in the U.S.
Valentine, Jessa Lewis DVP-Praxis LTD Mexican migration to the United States; Migration and environmental issues
Lim, Nelson Pardee RAND Graduate School Policy Analysis Data Science, Diversity and Inclusion, Data Enabled Human Resource Management, Policy
analysis, Social inequality, Research Methodology, Military Manpower and Personnel Analysis
Lim, Timothy C. California State University, Los Angeles Political Science Transnational migration; Human Trafficking and smuggling; Comparative politics and development; Comparative and international political economy; International relations and U.S. foreign policy; East Asian politics/Korean politics
Linder, Wolf J. University of Bern (Switzerland) Political Science Democracy and multicultural conflict; Migration and developing countries
Lowell, B. Lindsay Georgetown University School of Foreign Service Latino immigrants in the United States; Demand for high-skilled immigrants in the U.S. economy
Lofstrom, Magnus Public Policy Institute of California Immigration and immigrants; Entrepreneurship; Education
López De Lera, Diego Universidad de Corua Sociology and Communication Sciences International migration; Return migration; Population prospects
Loucky, James Western Washington University Anthropology Central American immigrant communities in the U.S. and Canada; Immigrant children; Cultural factors in refugee policy
Louie, Vivian Shuh Ming Harvard University Graduate School of Education Immigration and education; Class, family and neighborhood effects; Latino and Asian Americans; Immigrants and race relations
Lozano, Fernando Pomona College Economics Mexican migration to the United States; remittances flow from migrants workers in the US; new patterns of internal and international Mexican migration; The role of migrant remittances in the local and regional development in Mexico
Luther, Richard University of Leeds (United Kingdom), Department of Political Science; Politics of immigration and the anti-immigrant Freedom Party in Austria
Maccari-Clayton, Marina University of Tennessee History Comparative migration history; Emigration from and immigration to Italy; Post World War II migration policies; Migration and international cooperation
MacIntyre, Andrew RMIT University Indonesia as a labor-exporting country
Mahroum, Sami Circa Group Europe; The international mobility of scientists
Manning, Robert D.  Prince Mohammad University in Khobar, Saudi Arabia Business Administration Office of the Provost Mexican and Caribbean economic development and migration; Immigrant entrepreneurship; African American-immigrant relations; Immigrant labor market incorporation patterns; NAFTA; Immigration to U.S. suburbs; Immigrants’ use of US financial services, global deregulation of financial services industry
Manz, Beatriz UC Berkeley, Department of Ethnic Studies; Migration of Guatemalans to Mexico and the San Francisco Bay area
Marcelli, Enrico University of Massachusetts at Boston; Impacts of immigration on employment, wages, and social service utilization in the U.S.
Martin, Philip L. UC Davis, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics; Role of immigrant labor in California's agricultural sector; U.S. immigration policy; Immigration policies of Germany and other Western European countries; International labor migration in East Asia
Martinez, Konane M. California State University San Marcos, National Latino Research Center; Transnational migration; Mexico-U.S.; Migrant/immigrant health; Women’s health; Mixtec communities; Farm-worker and community health; Health care utilization
Matsuzuki, Hiroyuki Institute for International Policy Studies (Japan); Human capital (including education and immigration) for new industries of Japan and the United States; Japan’s political reform
Mazzolari, Francesca UC San Diego, Department of Economics; Changes in dual citizenship laws; Naturalization and assimilation
McCoyer, Michael Northwestern University, Department of History; Immigration and racial formation; Mexicans and Mexican Americans in the U.S.
McGuire, Sharon University of San Diego; Migration and health experiences of indigenous Oaxacan immigrant women from Mexico in the U.S.; Nursing practice toward indigenous immigrants
McKay, Steve University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Filipino seafarers, race, and the global labor market
McLaughlin, Robert University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology and School of Law Immigration; Naturalization; US; Native America
Meade, Everard University of San Diego Kroc School of Peace Studies 20th century Mexican history and U.S. immigration
Medica, Karmen University of Primorska, Science & Research Centre, Department of Anthropology; Media perspective of emigrant groups from the former Yugoslavia in Slovenia.
Mendoza, Cristobal Universidad de Guadalajara. Departamento de Estudios Regionales-INESER. Centro de Universitario de Ciencias Econamico Administrativas; International migration; Transnationalism; Comparative immigration studies
Alonso Meneses, Guillermo El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Tijuana) Cultural Studies Risk and vulnerability of the undocumented migrant at the U.S. Mexico border; Migration to the U.S. of Indians from central Mexico, immigrant ethnicity in Spain
Menjivar, Cecilia Arizona State University, School of Justice Studies; Immigrant and refugee communities; Central Americans in the United States; Social networks; Gender; Religion; Family; Poverty and inequality; Socioeconomic development; Central America
Meyers, Eytan The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), Department of International Relations; International immigration policy (comparative and theoretical aspects); International political economy;
Mitake, Naoya Komazawa University; Comparative politics; Ethnic and language conflict in countries of immigration; Multiculturalism in Japan and Western Europe
Moctezuma Yano, Patricia Colegio de San Luis Potosi, Programa de Estudios Antropolgicos; Immigration and religion among Mexican immigrants in the U.S.; Culture and identity; Cultural ecology; Gender and work
Money, Jeannette UC Davis, Department of Political Science; Immigration control; Citizenship policies; Immigrant electoral participation
Moore, Stephanie Carol Internment of Japanese Peruvians in the U.S. during World War II
Woo Morales, Ofelia Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico); Experiences of Mexican immigrants (specifically female immigrants); Communities and labor markets involved in international migration
Motomura, Hiroshi UC Los Angeles, School of Law; U.S. immigration law and policy; Citizenship and membership; Immigrant integration; Immigration outside the law
Muenz, Rainer Hamburg Institute of International Economics; European migration; Special focus on Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Europe. East-West migration; Migration policy
Mummert, Gail El Colegio de Michoacan, Centro de Estudios Antropologicos; Female and family migration patterns; Transnational processes and practices; Cultural production and consumption in transnational social fields; Migration and rural development; Migration and family formation
Naficy, Hamid Rice University, Department of Art and Art History; Exilic and diasporic culture; Media and cinema; Iranian cinema and culture
Naguib Pellow, David University of Minnesota, Department of Sociology; Environmental Justice Studies; Racial and Ethnic Inequality; Transnational Social Movements; Qualitative Research Methods; Labor Studies; Immigration
Naples, Nancy UC Irvine, Department of Sociology; Social, cultural and economic impacts of Mexican immigration on “new” receiving communities in the U.S. Mid-West
Nawyn, Stephanie University of Southern California, Department of Sociology; Faith, the state, and refugee resettlement organization in the United States
Nevins, Joseph Vassar College, Department of Geology and Geography; Construction of international boundaries in relation to immigration enforcement; Human rights; Violence; Unauthorized immigrant deaths; US-Mexico border region
Newbold, K. Bruce McMaster University (Canada), School of Geography and Geology and Center for Comparative Immigration Studies; Internal migration of Canada and the United States; Settlement and adjustment; Immigration and health; Aging
Ocampo, Anthony Cal Poly Pomona
Oda Angel, Francisco Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain), Department of Sociology; Border enforcement in Spain, North Africa, and the European Union
Oishi, Nana International Christian University, Division of Social Sciences Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo; Migration; Gender; Globalization
Okamoto,Dina Indiana University, Department of Sociology; Civic and political incorporation of immigrants, pan-ethnicity and ethnic identity, adaptation of immigrant and second-generation youth
Ortega Perez, Nieves Universidad de Granada (Spain), Department of Political Science; Political, ethnic and economic determinants of immigration policy in Southern Spain
Oxfeld, Ellen Middlebury College, Department of Sociology/Anthropology; Chinese community in Calcutta, India; Indian Chinese immigrants in Canada; Concepts of morality and status in the daily lives of rural Chinese
Oxford, Connie University of Pittsburgh, Department of Sociology; Gender and migration; Asylum and refugee studies Indian Chinese immigrants in Canada; Concepts of morality and status in the daily lives of rural Chinese
Parini, Ercole University of Calabria; Impacts of technological innovation on the demand for immigrant labor in Italy and the U.S.
Palinkas, Lawrence UC San Diego, Department of Preventive and Family Medicine; Medical anthropology; Health care needs of immigrants and refugees in San Diego County
Park, Edward Loyola Marymount University, Asian Pacific American Studies Program Immigration policy; Race relations; Urban studies; Economic sociology; Asian Americans
Park, John University of Texas, Center for Asian American Studies; Immigration law; Constitutional law; Asian American history; Race theory; Anglo-American political theory
Park, Lisa Sun-Hee University of Minnesota, Department of Sociology; Immigration and Welfare Policy; Immigrant Health Care; Race, Class, and Gender; Asian American Studies; Environmental Justice; Urban Theory and Methods
Passel, Jeffrey Pew Hispanic Center; Hispanic population of the United States, Demography of immigrants and their integration and impact on the U.S.
Pastor, Manuel University of Arizona, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Political economy of immigration in California
Martín Pérez, Alberto University of Barcelona, Department of Sociology and Analysis of Organizations; Immigration and welfare in Europe; Immigration, integration and citizenship; Immigration in Spain; Comparative nationality law
Pessar, Patricia Yale University, Director, Global Migration Project; Gender roles and inequalities in migration to the United States from the Caribbean and Central America
Turnovsky, Carolyn Pinedo The CUNY Graduate Center; International migration, particularly recent migration to New York; The working poor; The social construction of identity, race and ethnic relations; The role of space and place in the migration experience
Portes, Alejandro Princeton University, Department of Sociology; Immigration; Economic sociology; Comparative development; Third World urbanization
Pritchard, Damian Southern Connecticut State University; Chicana/Chicano literature (and film); Border studies/literatures; Cultural studies; Women’s studies (U.S. Latina/o immigration histories and literatures, especially Puerto Rican, Dominican, Mexican/Chicana/o)
Qin-Hilliard, Desiree Baolin Teachers College, Columbia University; Immigration and education; Immigrant families and adolescent development; Psychological adjustment of immigrant students
Rafael, Vicente UC San Diego, Department of Communication; Filipina immigrants as domestic service workers in Hong Kong and Singapore
Ramakrishnan, Karthick Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC); Immigrant political participation; Civic voluntarism; Public opinion; Urban politics
Ramirez, Daniel Duke University; U.S. Latino and Latin American religious history; Religious musical cultural practice in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands; Latino religion and public life
Real Cabello, Gaspar Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro (Mexico); Social, cultural, political, and economical effects of migration from the state of Queretaro, Mexico to the U.S. in the era of globalization
Reitz, Jeffrey University of Toronto, Canada, Department of Sociology; Impact of immigration policy and other host society institutions on immigrant economic attainment and socio-cultural integration; Comparative analysis of Canada, the United States, and Australia
Relano Pastor, Ana Maria (May) University of Arizona, Visiting Assistant Professor/Director HLP Spanish and Portuguese Department; A comparative study of everyday communication problems of Latino immigrants in the U.S. border region and North African immigrants in Andalusia, Spain
Reyes, Belinda I. UC Merced, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art; Social and economic progress of immigrants and their descendants, community integration, migration patterns, immigration policy, naturalization, racial and ethnic populations, social and economic progress
Reyes-Ruiz, Rafael Oberlin College, Department of Anthropology; Latino immigrants in Japan
Rieke, Yvonne University of Muenster (Germany), Department of Political Science; Comparative history of Italian migration in western Europe; Gender; Identity; Sociocultural acculturation processes; Immigration policies; Labour migration
Rivera Salgado, Gaspar University of Southern California, Department of Sociology; Political organization of Mexican indigenous migrants to California
Rodriguez, Robyn UC Berkeley, Department of Sociology; The labor brokering state: The global production of Philippine citizen-workers
Rønning, Rolf Lillehammer University College; Poverty (youth) and immigration in Norway
Rooth, Dan-Olof Kalmar University College (Sweden), Department of Economics/BBS; Labor market integration of immigrants and their descendants; Educational attainment, language skills, informal networks, and labor market outcomes for refugee immigrants living in Sweden
Roquero, Esperanza Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Immigrant labor market in Spain
Rosenblum, Marc R. Migration Policy Institute; U.S. immigration and refugee policy-making; Immigration and U.S.-Latin American relations; Immigration and international relations theory
Rothenberg, Daniel DePaul University, College of Law; Mexican migration to the United States; Economic development and democratization; Human rights, truth commissions, and the social impact of state terror and violence; Transitional justice issues, particularly truth commissions, amnesty laws, tribunals and reparations; Labor migration, moral panics, genocide and social responses to institutionalized violence
Rudolph, Chris American University, School of International Service; Determinants of migration policy in advanced industrial states; Wider implications of migration on issues of international relations
Ruhs, Martin Oxford University, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS); Economics and ethics of labour immigration policy
Ruiz Marrujo, Olivia El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Tijuana, Mexico); Risk and international migration; Central American immigration on the Mexico-Guatemala border
Rumberger, Russell
UC Santa Barbara; Linguistic Minority Research Center Educational performance of immigrant children in California
Saito, Leland University of Southern California, Department of Sociology and Program in American Studies and Ethnicity Asian American and Latino studies; Urban politics; Redistricting; Economic redevelopment policies
Salazar Parrenas, Rhacel UC Davis, Department of Asian American Studies; Gender and migration with a particular focus on the Philippines; Politics of reproductive labor and women’s migratory experiences under globalization; Children of migrant workers left behind in the Philippines; gender and child care in transnational families
Salehyan, Idean University of North Texas, Department of Political Science; Non-governmental organizations and U.S. refugee policy; Political economy of international migration; Immigration and U.S. foreign policy
Sanchez, George University of Southern California, Department of History; History of Los Angeles, the American West, and Mexican Americans
Sasaki, Nobuo Chuo University, School of Economics; The popular initiative process in California
Saunders, Jennifer Emory University Graduate Division of Religion Transnational Hinduism; Narrative and migration; Religion and migration; Hinduism in the U.S.; Hindu families
Scheve, Kenneth Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Department of Political Science; Political economy of trade, immigration, and macroeconomic policy making; Comparative political behavior and quantitative methods in political science
Schuetz, Hans-Joachim University of Rostock; Constitutional law
Shankar, Shalini New York University; South Asian-American teenagers; Youth culture; Consumption and popular culture; Language use; Education and social reproduction
Simeon, Dr. James C. York University, School of Public Policy and Administration
Simpson, Wayne University of Manitoba, Department of Economics; Immigrant integration in Canada; Immigrant health status and labor market outcomes; Retirement prospects of immigrants
Singer, Audrey The Brookings Institution, Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy; Economic, social and political incorporation of immigrants; Immigrant naturalization and citizenship; The impact of welfare reform on immigrant communities and undocumented Mexican migration; New immigrant gateways in the United States
Sinke, Suzanne Florida State University, Department of History; Connections of gender and migration, especially in U.S. history; Transnational marriage
Smith, Robert Baruch College/CUNY, School of Public Affairs
Soriano Miras, Rosa María Universidad de Granada, Spain; Female migrants in Almer­a, Spain and San Diego, California
Soysal, Levent Kadir Has University (Turkey), Department of Radio, Television, and Cinema; Ethnography of international migrant youth in Berlin
Spener, David Trinity University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Migrant smuggling in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands
Stephen, Lynn University of Oregon, Department of Anthropology; Labor market participation of Mexican migrants to Oregon
Stobbe, Holk University of Goettingen, Center for European and North American Studies; Undocumented migration in the United States and Germany: A comparative analysis
Stritikus, Tom T. University of Washington, College of Education; Second language development; ESL/bilingual education; Literacy education policy as it relates to bilingual students
Stuesse, Angela C. University of Texas at Austin, Department of Anthropology; Social movements; Race; Globalization; Migration; Citizenship; Borderlands; U.S. south; Latin America
Sunderhaus, Sebastian Department of Africa and Middle East, Misereor (Germany); Regularization of undocumented migrants; Migration and development in Africa
Sutch, Richard UC Riverside, Department of Economics; Economic history; Economic and demographic consequences of immigration to the U.S.
Suzuki, Kazuko Columbia University, Department of Sociology; Nation-states and immigrant adaptation; The Korean diaspora in Japan and the United States
Takai, Yukari Aichi Kenritsu University; Migration history in North America; Gender; Work; Border-crossing; French Canadians; Asian/Americans
Tarnovschi, Daniela Babes-Bolyai University Cluj (Romania), Department of Sociology; Mass media’s impact on ethnic identity construction; Ethnic relations; Discrimination
Tegtmeyer Pak, Katherine St. Olaf College, Department of Asian Studies; Japanese immigration and citizenship politics
Themelis, Spyros Middlesex University; Gypsy/Roma/Traveler education; social mobility and education; educational inequalities; meritocracy and social exclusion/inclusion; 'race', class and gender; comparative education
Thielemann, Eiko R. London School of Economics; Comparative politics and policy; Migration; International co-operation (burden sharing); Immigration; Asylum; European Union
Thomas, Elaine R. University of Chicago, Social Sciences Collegiate Division; Changing conceptions of citizenship and nationality in France and Britain; Political determinants of citizenship and integration policy
Tichenor, Daniel Rutgers University, Department of Political Science; Immigrant political integration, civil liberties, admissions and citizenship policies in liberal democracies
Tiede, Lydia UC San Diego, Department of Political Science; Immigration lawyer, specializing in battered immigrant women, asylum seekers, and immigrants who are in detention
Timmer, Ashley Social Science Research Council (SSRC); The impact of income distribution shifts on mass migrations from Europe to the United States, 1860-1930
Timmer, Peter UC San Diego, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies; International labor migration and economic development
Togman, Jeffrey M. Seton Hall University, Department of Political Science; Immigrant entry policies ofadvanced industrialized nations; Immigrant contributions to U.S. urban renewal
Trigueros, Paz Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, Mexico, Departamento de Sociologia; Mexican immigration and labor markets in the US
Tsankov, Mimi Law Offices of Mimi Tsankov; U.S. and European immigration laws and their effect on healthcare worker migration; Impact of European Union membership on the flow of migrants from Eastern European countries; Comparative evaluation of immigration asylum processing systems and streamlining of the U.S. system
Ulusoy, Kivanc Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey, Center for European Studies; International relations; Diplomacy; International politics
Valdez, Zulema University of Michigan, National Poverty Research Center; Economic sociology; Race, ethnicity and immigration; Urban sociology
Vangstrup, Ulrik Director of MODITEC (Centro de Diseo, Moda y Tecnologia Aplicada al Sector Textil y Confeccion A.C.); Industrial development and its impact on international and national migration in Mexico, business development services in Mexico
Varsanyi, Monica Arizona State University, School of Justice and Social Inquiry; Local (city, county, state) policy initiatives concerning unauthorized residents; Tensions between these local policies and the federal government’s role in regulating borders, immigration, and citizenship policy
Velez-Ibanez, Carlos UC Riverside, Department of Anthropology; Education of immigrant children; Socially viable communities; The role of women in politics; Cultural identity; Political economy of border life; Economic survival; Mexican and Mexican-American populations
Vertovec, Steven University of Oxford, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology; Migration, transnationalism and diasporas; Multiculturalism
Vicente, Trinidad L. University of Deusto, Department of Social and Human Sciences; International migration, political sociology, human rights, gender roles and inequalities
Viladrich, Anahi Hunter College, CUNY School of Public Health; Immigration and health; Global/international health, Ethnomedicine, Cultural determinants of health; Health disparities; Qualitative research methods
Von Vacano, Diego Alejandro Vassar College; Ethics of immigration policy; Latina/o transnational identity; Multicultural citizenship; Immigrant education
Watts, Julie Pomona College, Department of Political Science; Immigrants and labor unions; Regional immigration policies; Europe, U.S., and Mexico
Weiner, Michael San Diego State University, Department of Asian Studies; History of the Japanese diaspora in North America, Latin America, and Asia; Continuities and discontinuities in the immigrant and post-immigration communities in these regions; The Japanese business diaspora in contemporary Europe and North America; The impact of the eugenicist movement in Japan during the twentieth century as expressed in social and welfare policies
White, Michael Joseph Brown University, Department of Sociology; Population distribution; Immigrant adaptation; Residential segregation; Urbanization in developing settings
Willen, Sarah University of Connecticut, Department of Anthropology; Transnational im/migration and migrant "illegality"; Im/migration and health; Health and human rights; The U.S. "cultural competence" movement; Anthropology of the Middle East, especially the region of Israel and Palestine
Winkelmann, Rainer Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA — Bonn, Germany); Comparing New Zealand’s and Australia’s immigration policies and their impact; Dutch migrants in New Zealand; Methods for modelling the decision to migrate
Reynolds, Clark Winton Stanford University, Institute for International Studies; Economic development (international trade and finance); Economic history (employment and migration); Problems of differential adjustment to economic liberalization among regional, national, and subnational groups in Latin America and China
Xiang, Biao University of Oxford, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography; Migration, global political economy, China, India, state and governance, labor, political and economic anthropology
Yamanaka, Keiko UC Berkeley, Institute for the Study of Social Change; Japan and East Asia; Immigrant incorporation; Undocumented migration; Gendered migration
Yilmaz, Ferruh Tulane University, Department of Communication; Discourse Analysis and Rhetorical Criticism; Culturalization of Discourse; Rhetorical Interventions in Discourse; The Relationship Between the Ontological and the Political; The Production of Islam/West Distinction
Garcia Zamora, Rodolfo Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Mexico); Mexican migration; Remittances; Economic development
Zendejas, Sergio El Colegio de Michoacan, Centro de Estudios; Rurales Relationships between Mexican U.S.-bound migration, political life, and social identity formation in Mexico
Zenteno, Rene M. ITESM Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Centro de Estudios Estrategicos (Mexico); Economic consequences of international migration and urban migration from Mexico to the United States
Zepeda, Aurora UC San Diego; Equity issues in public education, particularly pertaining to immigrant and migrant children, as well as English language learners
Zimmermann, Klaus F. Director of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) Full Professor of Economics at Bonn University Honorary Professor of Economics at the Free University of Berlin; Circular migration, migration policy, migration effects on the natives, ethnicity
Zlolniski, Cristian University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Mexican immigrant workers in California’s high-tech industries
Zolberg, Aristide New School University, Department of Political Science; Politics of international migrations and the consequences of globalization for democracy
Lowe, Lisa Yale University. The Asian-American experience in the U.S.
Molina, Natalia M. University of Southern California American Studies and Ethnicity Post-1865 U.S. history, comparative ethnicities, Latina/o history
Cantor, David James School of Advanced Study, University of London.  Founding Director of the Refugee Law Initiative; Professor of Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies.  Research interests: Human rights, International Law, International Relations, Political Institutions
Garcia, Angela S. University of Chicago School of Social Services Administration Research interests include international migration, law and society, race and ethnicity, urban sociology, social policy, and mixed and comparative methods.
Villegas, Paloma CSU San Bernardino Sociology Immigration status, transnationalism, race, gender
Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina San Diego State University Economics International migration, remittances and, more broadly, labor economics
Thiollet, Hélène Sciences Po, Paris CNRS-CERI Sciences Po Research focuses on the politics of migration and asylum in the Global South, and she focuses her empirical research on the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.
O'brien, Benjamin Gonzalez San Diego State University Political Science Racial and ethnic politics, with a focus on U.S. immigration policy
Swanie, Potot URMIS CNRS Researcher, Côte d'Azur University, France Sociology Conducts research on migration in Europe and on interethnic relations
Yrizar Barbosa, Guillermo Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla Instituto de Derechos Humanos Ignacio Ellacuría SJ International migration in Mexico and the United States; migration policies and human rights in North and Central America; race and ethnicity; ethnography and urban sociology; demography and spatial analysis
Tabosa, Clarissa Comenius University in Bratislava European Studies and International Relations European Union asylum and immigration policies (focus on Central Europe - Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic) 

Cook, Maria Lorena

Cornell University

Dept. of International and Comparative Labor

Maria's research has focused on migrant advocacy, immigration detention, and comparative immigration policies.

Consuegra, Pavel

San Diego Mesa College

Work-Based Learning and   

International Migration, Refugees ‘Social and Economic Integration; Social Inequalities, Sociology of Migration, Political Sociology, Globalization, Field and Historical Research Methods

Suong, Clara H.

Duke University

Political Science

Research interests include international migration and refugee issues in the context of human and national security and quantitative methods

Wiltberger, Joseph

California State University, Northridge

Central American Studies

His current field research focuses on the conjuncture of forced migration driven by gang-related violence and insecurity in the northern triangle of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras) and the turn toward more restrictive immigration enforcement strategies in the U.S.

Efendiyev, Rufat

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Department of Demography and Problems of Labor Force Reproduction of the Institute of Economics

Currently working on migration and integration issues of Azerbaijanis in the United States

Staalhane, Helga Hiim

 University of Stavanger, Norway

Media and Social Sciences

Labor and migration, and I am bridging these topics by investigating changes in the taxi- and TNC industry and social mobility amongst migrant workers.

Fee, Molly



Political sociology, international migration, and forced migration

Kang,S. Deborah

University of Texas at Dallas


Immigration history and policy, borderlands history, legal history

Bouris, Erica

International Rescue Committee

Economic Empowerment


Hemmaty, Mona

Lund University


Qualitatively explore recent integration policy U-turns in Sweden that forefront labour market participation, particularly how the new policies are made sense of by migrants and played out in practice in local and regional settings.

Karooma, Cleophas

Mbarara University of Science and Technology

Planning and Governance

Forced migration specifically refugees

Hansen, Tobin

University of Oregon


Migration and deportation, U.S. prisons and “criminal alien” deportation, belonging, care, race, masculinities, U.S.-Mexico borderlands

Sorensen, Todd

University of Nevada, Reno


Imperfect competition in labor markets, immigration and the intersection of these two issues

Gleeson, Shannon

Cornell UNiversity

Labor Relations, Law, & History

Migrant populations, the effects of documentation status, labor rights, civic engagement, inequality & stratification, political sociology, law & society, mixed methods & comparative approaches