Journal Articles
Publications by faculty, visiting scholars and graduate students related to CCIS.
- Subnational immigration policymaking in the United States: the role of issue entrepreneurs in California, Texas, and Florida by Wayne Cornelius
- Sovereign Mercy: The Legalization of the White Russian Refugees and the Politics of Immigration Relief by S. Deborah Kang
- Disillusioned defenders? The integration challenges of American Jewish return migrants in the Israel Defense Forces by Karina Shklyan
- Black workers in Silicon Valley: macro and micro boundaries by Rebecca C Franklin
- Wages, integration, migration motivation: cases of export industry employees in Tijuana and Tangiers-Tetouan by Kopinak, K., Hennebry, J., Soriano-Miras, R.M. et al
- Tattoo Removal as a Resettlement Service to Reduce Incarceration Among Mexican Migrants by Victoria Ojeda
- Americans preferred Syrian refugees who are female, English-speaking, and Christian on the eve of Donald Trump's election by Claire L. Adida, Adeline Lo, Melina R. Platas
- Perspective taking can promote short-term inclusionary behavior toward Syrian refugees by Claire Adida
- Game of the Development of Cross-Border Cities in the Minority Area of China: Analysis of Openness and Closeness, Taking San Diego-Tijuana as an Example by Yin Li and DongGen Rui
- Restrictive borders and rights: attitudes of the Danish public to asylum seekers by Adi Hercowitz-Amir
- A family affair: how and why second-generation Filipino-Americans engage in transnational social and economic connections by Armand Gutierrez
- The determinants of remittances among second-generation Mexican- and Filipino-Americans by Armand Gutierrez
- Mediated remittances: transnational economic contributions from second-generation Filipino Americans by Armand Gutierrez
- The New Grand Compromise: How Syrian Refugees Changed the Stakes in the Global Refugee Assistance Regime by Rawan Arar
- Epidemics, National Security, and US Immigration Policy by Robbie J. Totten
- International Relations, Material and Military Power, and United States Immigration Policy: American Strategies to Utilize Foreigners for Geopolitical Strength 1607 to 2012 by Robbie J. Totten
- Andrews, Abigail L. Forthcoming. “Moralizing Regulation: The Political Effects of Policing ‘Good’ versus ‘Bad’ Immigrants.” Ethnic and Racial Studies
- International Solidarity and Ethnic Boundaries: Using the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict to Strengthen Ethno-national Claims in Northern Ireland By Rawan Arar
- FitzGerald, David S., David-Cook Martín, Angela Garcia, and Rawan Arar. (2017). “Can You Become One of Us? The Legal Selection of ‘Assimilable’ Immigrants.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1313106
- Haljnal, Zoltan, Nazita Lajevardi and Lindsay Nielson. (2017). “Voter Identification Laws and the Suppression of Minority Votes.” The Journal of Politics 79(2).
- Wong, Tom K. and Hillary S. Kosnac. (2017). “Does the Legalization of Undocumented Immigrants in the US Encourage Unauthorized Immigration from Mexico? An Empirical Analysis of the Moral Hazard of Legalization.” International Migration 55(2), pp. 159-173.
- Abrajano, Marisa, Christopher Elmendorf and Kevin Quinn. (2016). “Racially Polarized Voting." University of Chicago Law Review 83, pp. 587-691.
- Legacies of Inequity: How Hometown Political Participation and Land Distribution Shape Migrants' Path into Wage Labor by Abigail L. Andrews
- Arar, Rawan. (2016). “How Political Migrant Networks Differ from those of Economic Migrants: ‘Strategic Anonymity’ among Iraqi Refugees in Jordan.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42(3), pp. 519-535.
- Hajnal, Zoltan and Marisa Abrajano. (2016). “Trump’s All too Familiar Strategy and its Future for the GOP.” The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics 14(3), pp. 295-309.
- Horyniak, Danielle, Jason S. Melo, Risa M. Farrell, Victoria D. Ojeda and Steffanie A. Strathdee. (2016). “Epidemiology of Substance Use among Forced Migrants: A Global Systematic Review.” PLOS One 11(7):e0159134. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159134. PMID: 27411086 PMCID: PMC4943736.
- Mainwaring, Ċetta. (2016). “Migrant Agency: Negotiating Borders and Migration Controls.” Migration Studies 4(3), pp. 289–308. DOI:10.1093/migration/mnw013.
- Lewis, Kevin (2016). “Preferences in the Early Stages of Mate Choice.” Social Forces 95, pp. 283-320.
- Wong, Tom K. and Angela Garcia. (2016, first publication in 2015). “Does Where I Live Affect Whether I Apply? The Contextual Determinants of Applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).” International Migration Review 50(3), pp. 699-727. C-Span, Associated Press.
- Buckinx, Barbara and A. Filindra. (2015). “The Case against Removal: Jus Noci and Harm in Deportation Practice.” Migration Studies 3(3), pp. 393-416.
- Cook-Martin, David and David S. FitzGerald. (2015). “Culling the Masses: A Rejoinder.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(8), pp. 1319-1327.
- Long, Jennifer, Melissa Fellin, Janet Bauer, Dolores Koenig, Rhiannon Mosher and Tina Zarpour. (2015). “Incorporating Immigrant Perspectives into Organizational Research and Practice: Implementing Inclusive Discussions.” Practicing Anthropology 31(1), pp. 20-25.
- López, Jane Lilly. (2015). “Impossible Families: Mixed-Citizenship Status Couples and the Law.” Law & Policy 37(1-2), pp. 93-118.
- Pinedo, Miguel, Jose Luis Burgos, Adriana Vargas Ojeda, David S. FitzGerald and Victoria D. Ojeda. (2015). “The Role of Visual Markers in Police Victimization among Structurally Vulnerable Persons in Tijuana, Mexico.” International Journal of Drug Policy 26(5), pp. 501-508.
- Skrentny, John D. (2015). “The Immigration Act of 1965: Did Congress Vote for Whites to Become a Minority?” Contexts 14, pp. 14-15.
- The Localized Global Economy in Northern Morocco - La economía global localizada en el norte de Marruecos by Antonio Trinidad Requena, Rosa M. Soriano-Miras, Francisco Barros Rodríguez, Kathryn Kopinak and Jenna Hennebry
- Abrajano, Marisa, Zoltan L. Hajnal and Jeremy Horowitz. (2014). “Racial Winners and Losers in American Party Politics.” Perspectives on Politics 12(1), pp. 10-18 (Winner: Heinz Eulau Award for the best article published in Perspectives).
- Hajnal, Zoltan L. and Michael Rivera. (2014). “Immigration, Latinos, and White Partisan Politics: The New Democratic Defection.” American Journal of Political Science 58(4), pp. 773-789.
- Kaufman, Emma. (2014). “Gender at the Border: Nationalism and the New Logic of Punishment.” Punishment & Society 16(2), pp. 135-155.
- Koido, Akihiro. (2014). “Social Movement of Undocumented Immigrants against Globalism and Social Exclusion in the U.S.: Their Countervailing Strategies against Restructuring of Immigrant Surveillance System and Neo-Liberal Exclusion.” Japanese Sociological Review 65(2), pp. 194-209.
- MacKenzie, C. James. (2014). “Shamanism in Motion, Pentecostalism on Hold, and Maya Mormonism: Identity and Community in Transnational K’iche Migration.” Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions 18(2), pp. 45-66.
- Mainwaring, Cetta. (2014). “Small States and Nonmaterial Power: Creating Crises and Shaping Migration Policies in Malta, Cyprus, and the European Union.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 12(2), pp. 103–22. .
- Wong, Tom K. and Angela Garcia. (2016, first publication in 2015). “Does Where I Live Affect Whether I Apply? The Contextual Determinants of Applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).” International Migration Review 50(3), pp. 699-727. C-Span, Associated Press.
- Rosales, Rocio. (2014). “Stagnant Immigrant Social Networks and Cycles of Exploitation.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(14), pp. 2564-2579.
- Wong, Tom K. (2014). “The Politics of Interior Immigration Enforcement.” California Journal of Politics and Policy 6(3), pp. 381-399.
- Marfouk, Abdeslam (2013), "African Brain Drain and Its Impact on Source Countries”, (With Stella Capuano), in journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, Special Issue: Immigration and its Impact on Human Capital Development, Volume 15, No. 4, pp. 297-314.
- Buckinx, Barbara and Alexandra Filindra. (2013). “Removal and Harm Avoidance in U.S. Immigration Practice.” Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 22(3), pp. 379-390.
- Kopinak, Kathryn and Rosa Maria Soriano Miras. (2013). “Types of Migration Enabled by Maquiladoras in Baja California, Mexico: The Importance of Commuting.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 28(1), pp. 75-91.
- Merolla, Jennifer L., S. Karthick Ramakrishnan and Chris Haynes. (2013). “’Illegal,’ ‘Undocumented,’ or ‘Unauthorized’: Equivalency Frames, Issue Frames, and Public Opinion on Immigration.” Perspectives on Politics 11(3), pp. 789-807.
- Rosales, Rocio. (2013). “Survival, Economic Mobility and Community among Los Angeles Fruit Vendors.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39(5), pp. 697-717.
- Skrentny, John D. (2013). “How to Understand Immigration Policy.” Brown Journal of International Affairs 20, pp. 139-152.
- Skrentny, John D. and Jane Lilly López. (2013). “Obama’s Immigration Reform: The Triumph of Executive Action.” Indiana Journal of Law and Social Equity 2(1), pp. 62-79.
- Skrentny, John D. (2013). “Our National Delusion about Race,” Contexts 12, pp. 22-23.
- Zarpour, M. Tina. (2013). “Learning and Practicing Democracy: Policy Implications for an Emerging Immigrant Civil Society.” Practicing Anthropology 35(4), pp. 31-35.
- Skrentny, John D., Micah G. Redman and Jack Jin Gary Lee. (2012). “Introduction: Japan, the United States, and the Philosophical Bases of Immigration Policy.” American Behavioral Scientist 56(8), pp. 995-1007.