UC Research Associates
One of CCIS’s chief goals is to establish a comprehensive research network of migration scholars. To this aim, we have developed an extensive group of affiliates, both inside the UC system and externally.
Name | UC Affiliation | Department | Specialty | |
Abrajano, Marisa | San Diego | Political Science | mabrajano@ucsd.edu | Latino politics in U.S. |
Adida, Claire L. | San Diego | Political Science | cadida@ucsd.edu | Comparative Politics; The study of ethnicity and identity, government and non-state provision of public goods, inter-group cooperation and violence, and trust and informal institutions |
Al-Delaimy, Wael | San Diego | Family Medicine and Public Health | waldelaimy@ucsd.edu | Effects of Political Injustice on Health and Mental Health |
Betts, Julian R. | San Diego |
Economics | jbetts@ucsd.edu | Economics of educatioBiessn |
Biess, Frank | San Diego |
History | fbiess@ucsd.edu | The role of immigrant labor in postwar reconstruction of the "two Germanies" |
Brouwer, Kimberly C. | San Diego |
Medicine | kbrouwer@ucsd.edu | Spatial and molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases |
Chandler, William | San Diego |
Political Science | wchandler@ucsd.edu | Immigration policy and the politics of immigration in Germany |
Cohen, Shana | San Diego |
Education Studies | shanarcohen@ucsd.edu | Research explores the barriers that immigrant families face in accessing early intervention services for their children with an autism spectrum disorder. |
Cornelius, Wayne | San Diego |
Political Science | wcorneli@ucsd.edu | Immigration policies in North America, Spain, and Japan |
El-Tayeb, Fatima | San Diego |
Literature | feltayeb@ucsd.edu | 19th and 20th Century European history, (Trans)National Identities, African Diaspora Studies, Gender Studies, Ethnic Minorities in Europe |
Erie, Steven | San Diego |
Political Science | serie@ucsd.edu | Immigrants and ethnicity in U.S. urban politics |
Espiritu, Yen | San Diego |
Ethnic Studies | yespiritu@ucsd.edu | Gender, race, transnationalism, Filipino and Vietnamese immigrants in the U.S. |
FitzGerald, David | San Diego |
Sociology | dfitzger@ucsd.edu | U.S. - Mexican Relations, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies |
Gutierrez, David | San Diego |
History | dggutierrez@ucsd.edu | History of Mexican immigration and relations between immigrants and Mexican Americans |
Hajnal, Zoltan L. | San Diego |
Political Science | zhajnal@ucsd.edu | Racial and ethnic politics, urban politics, minority representation in direct democracy |
Haviland, John B. | San Diego |
Anthropology | jhaviland@ucsd.edu | Social life of language, Tzotzil Mayan, Australian languages, Mexico, Australia |
Houston, Alan | San Diego |
Political Science | ahouston@ucsd.edu | Political theory; history of anti-immigration thought in 18th Century America. |
Kousser, Thad | San Diego |
Political Science | tkousser@ucsd.edu | Immigrants as a component of the California electorate; immigration as an issue in California politics and government |
Lewis, Kevin | San Diego |
Sociology | lewis@ucsd.edu | Social networks, Race/Ethnicity |
Ojeda, Victoria | San Diego |
Global Public Health | vojeda@ucsd.edu | Drug use, HIV/AIDS, and mental health issues among migrants |
Pedersen, David | San Diego |
Anthropology | dpedersen@ucsd.edu | Transnational migrant life, remittance circulation, Latin America, El Salvador, U.S. |
Rauch, James | San Diego |
Economics | jrauch@ucsd.edu | International trade through ethnic networks |
Ribas, Vanesa | San Diego |
Sociology | vribas@ucsd.edu | International migration, race relations, and work. |
Strathdee, Steffanie | San Diego |
Global Public Health | sstrathdee@ucsd.edu | Impacts of migration on public health in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands |
Vasquez, Olga | San Diego |
Communication | ovasquez@ucsd.edu | Bilingual communication and education in U.S. immigrant communities |
Verdicchio, Pasquale | San Diego |
Literature | pverdicchio@ucsd.edu | North African immigrants in Italy |
Walshok, Mary | San Diego |
University Extension | mwalshok@ucsd.edu | Workforce development; cross-border economic cooperation; innovation |
Wong, Tom K. | San Diego |
Political Science | tomkwong@ucsd.edu | Politics of immigration, citizenship, and migrant illegality |
Woodhull, Winifred | San Diego |
Literature |
wwoodhull@ucsd.edu | North African and Caribbean female immigrants in France |
Zilberg, Elana | San Diego | Communication | ezilberg@ucsd.edu | Transnational Salvadoran immigrant youth in Los Angeles and El Salvador; transnational, border, and urban studies; globalization, violence, race and ethnicity |
Romero, Robert Chao | Los Angeles | Chicana/o Studies | rcromero@chavez.ucla.edu | chinese immigration and settlement in Mexico, Chinese-Latinos |
Yokley, Lorrie Frasure | Los Angeles |
Political Science | lfrasure@polisci.ucla.edu | race and ethnic politics, political participation and incorporation, state and local politics |
Hernandez, David | Los Angeles |
Chicana/o Studies | dhernandez@chavez.ucla.edu | International Migration, Comparative Ethnic Studies, Social Movements, Immigrant Detention and Deportation |
Hernandez, Kelly Lytle | Los Angeles |
History | hernandez@history.ucla.edu | race, migration, and police and prison systems in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands |
Motomura, Hiroshi | Los Angeles |
School of Law | motomura@law.ucla.edu | Immigration and Citizenship law |
Park, Kyeyoung | Los Angeles |
Anthropology | kpark@anthro.ucla.edu | political economy, class, gender, race/ethnicity, social justice, cultural transformation, transnationalism/globalization; Korean/Asian Americans |
Rodriguez, Michael | Los Angeles |
Family Medicine | mrodriguez@mednet.ucla.edu | Intimate partner violence, quality of healthcare for multiethnic populations across the age spectrum and workforce diversity |
Santa Ana, Otto | Los Angeles |
Chicana/o Studies | otto@ucla.edu | mass media representation of immigrants and immigration in general, network and local news representation, network humor about immigrants as a means of social control |
Valenzuela, Abel | Los Angeles |
Institute for Research on Labor and Employment |
abel@ucla.edu | 1) immigration and labor markets, 2) poverty and inequality, and 3) immigrant settlement patterns. |
Waldinger, Roger | Los Angeles |
Sociology | waldinge@soc.ucla.edu | international migration; race and ethnicity |
Zhou, Min | Los Angeles |
Sociology/Asia Pacific Center | mzhou@soc.ucla.edu | Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Community , Urban Sociology, Asian Americans |
Ponce, Ninez | Los Angeles | Public Health | nponce@ucla.edu | Social disparities in health and health care: multicultural survey research, social penalties in health/health access, and population-based cancer prevention and control studies. |
Brundage, David | Santa Cruz | Community Studies | brundage@ucsc.edu | U.S. immigration and working-class history; Irish immigration to the U.S.; history of long-distance nationalism; history of U.S. social movements placed in transnational context. |
McKay, Steve | Santa Cruz | Sociology | smckay@ucsc.edu | Labor and labor markets, political sociology, globalization and social change, migration and racial formation, Southeast Asia. |
Rivas, Cecilia M. | Santa Cruz | Latin American and Latino Studies |
cmrivas@ucsc.edu | Salvadoran transnationalism; media (Internet, newspapers); migration; globalization; race, ethnicity, and gender; bilingualism; consumption; El Salvador; Central America |
Zavella, Patricia | Santa Cruz | Latin American and Latino Studies | zavella@ucsc.edu | Chicana/o-Latina/o studies, women's work and domestic labor, poverty, family, sexuality and social networks, feminist studies, ethnographic research methods, and transnational migration of Mexicana/o workers and U.S. capital. |
Lien, Pei-Te | Santa Barbara | Political Science | plien@polsci.ucsb.edu | Transnational politics of Asian Americans, the intersection of race, ethnicity, gender, and nativity in political behavior, both of the elites and the mass |
Lopez-Carr, David | Santa Barbara | Geography | carr@geog.ucsb.edu | Human dimensions of global environmental change, land use/cover change, international and internal migration, fertility, health, rural poverty and development, Latin America |
Palerm, Juan Vicente | Santa Barbara | Anthropology | palerm@anth.ucsb.edu | Development, peasant studies, Chicano studies and migration; Mediterranean Europe, Mexico and US Southwest |
Park, John S.W. | Santa Barbara | Asian American Studies | jswpark@asamst.ucsb.edu | immigration law and policy, race theory, political theory and public law |
Pinedo-Turnovsky, Carolyn | Santa Barbara | Sociology | cturnovsky@soc.ucsb.edu | Race and ethnicity, Latina/o studies, immigration studies, and ethnography. |
Spickard, Paul | Santa Barbara | History | spickard@history.ucsb.edu | Migration and Identity in United States History and in Modern World History, Race and Ethnicity in the United States and in Comparative International Perspective, Asian American History, Culture, Religion, Gender, and Family Life, History and Peoples of the Pacific, Race, Migration and Membership in Germany |
Walsh, Casey | Santa Barbara | Anthropology | walsh@anth.ucsb.edu | Political Economy, Commodities, Water, Borderlands, Infrastructures |
Chang, Edward | Riverside | Ethnic Studies | edch@ucr.edu | Korean American, Korean diaspora, Korean-African American Relations, Korean-Latino relations, and Race Relations |
Ossman, Susan | Riverside | Anthropology | susan.ossman@ucr.edu | emerging forms of transnational social life and political engagement from the perspective of serial migrants, people who have lived in several countries. North Africa, Europe, Middle East. |
Pyke, Karen | Riverside | Sociology | karen.pyke@ucr.edu | 1.5 and 2nd generation Asian Americans, Gender, Race & Ethnicity, Internalized Oppression, Critical Race Feminist Theory, Power, Identities, Families, Qualitative and Interpretive Methods |
Ramakrishnan, Karthick | Riverside | Political Science | karthick.ramakrishnan@ucr.edu | Immigration and race/ethnicity, civic engagement, public policy |
Sorensen, Todd | Riverside | Economics | todd.sorensen@ucr.edu | Labor market effects of immigration, Immigrant assimilation, Labor market adjustments of natives to immigration |
DeLugan, Robin Maria | Merced | School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts | rdelugan@ucmerced.edu | nation-state formation, national belonging, race-ethnicity-nation, citizenship, social memory, migration, diaspora, transnationalism, indigenous migration from Latin America to the US, El Salvador, California |
Bean, Frank | Irvine | Sociology | fbean@uci.edu | Demography, Racial & Ethnic Relations, Economic Sociology, Family |
Bernal, Victoria | Irvine | Anthropology | vbernal@uci.edu | Feminist theory, gender, civil society,globalization,cyberspace, transnationalism,the Islamic revival, peasants, labor migration, Africa, Muslim societies |
Brown, Susan K. | Irvine | Sociology | skbrown@uci.edu | Immigrant incorporation, urban sociology, educational inequality |
Calavita, Kitty | Irvine | Criminology, Law & Society | kccalavi@uci.edu | sociology of law, criminology, social deviance, and inequality |
Chacon, Jennifer | Los Angeles |
School of Law | chacon@law.ucla.edu |
Immigration law, constitutional law and criminal law and procedure |
Chavez, Leo | Irvine | Anthropology | lchavez@uci.edu | Latin America, medical anthropology, transnational communities |
Chen, Yong | Irvine | History | y3chen@uci.edu | Asian-American history, Late 19th & 20th Century, American social & cultural history, U.S. immigration history, transpacific history, history of food. |
Coutin, Susan | Irvine | Criminology, Law & Society; Anthropology | scoutin@uci.edu | law, culture, human rights, citizenship, political activism, Central America |
Desipio, Louis | Irvine | Political Science | ldesipio@uci.edu | Ethnic Politics, Latino Politics, naturalization, U.S. electoral politics |
Feliciano, Cynthia | Irvine | Chicano/Latino Studies | felician@uci.edu | Race and Ethnicity, Education, Immigration, Inequality |
Goodman, Sara Wallace | Irvine | Political Science | s.goodman@uci.edu | Citizenship in Europe, immigration policy, immigrant integration |
James, Winston | Irvine | History | wjames@uci.edu | Caribbean, African-American, African Diaspora, Europe |
Lee, Jennifer | Irvine | Sociology | jenlee@uci.edu | Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, Social Inequality, Culture, Education, Asian American Studies |
Millward, Jessica | Irvine | History | millward@uci.edu | African American History, the African Diaspora, Gender and Women, Law and Society |
Rosas, Ana Elizabeth | Irvine | Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies | arosas1@uci.edu | Chicana/o History, Comparative Immigration, Race, Ethnic, and Gender Studies, and Oral History |
Ruiz, Vicki | Irvine | History | vruiz@uci.edu | Latina history, labor studies, immigration history, U.S. West |
Rumbaut, Ruben | Irvine | Sociology | rrumbaut@uci.edu | Second generation, intergenerational mobility, assimilation, criminality, bilingualism, language loss, ethnic identity, citzenship, health and mortality, education, policy |
Sadiq, Kamal | Irvine | Political Science | kamal@uci.edu | Southeast Asia, India, politics of immigration in Asia, ethnic conflict, and politics of South Asia |
Vo, Linda | Irvine | Asian American Studies | volt@uci.edu | Asian American studies; race and ethnic relations; immigration theory; gender relations; social stratification; and community and urban sociology |
Guarnizo, Luis | Davis | Human Ecology |
leguarnizo@ucdavis.edu | Economic Sociology, entrepreneurs, comparative international development, citizenship |
Hamilton, Erin | Davis | Sociology | erhamilton@ucdavis.edu | International migration, Mexico, social demography, health, gender, urbanization, geography |
Haynes, Bruce | Davis | Sociology | bdhaynes@ucdavis.edu | Race & ethnicity, urban studies, community studies |
Hing, Bill | Davis | School of Law | bhing@ucdavis.edu | Immigration Policy, Race Relations, Public Interest Law, Asian American Studies |
Johnson, Kevin | Davis | Law | krjohnson@ucdavis.edu | Immigration Law and policy; race; civil rights |
Kyle, David | Davis | Sociology | djkyle@ucdavis.edu | Ethnicity, economic sociology, law and society, global comparative sociology |
Money, Jeannette | Davis | Political Science | jnmoney@ucdavis.edu | Electoral participation; political geography; immigration control |
Peri, Giovanni | Davis | Economics | gperi@ucdavis.edu | International Migrations, Labor Markets, Economic Productivity, Trade |
Smith, Michael Peter | Davis | Human & Community Development | mpsmith@ucdavis.edu | Transnationalism; global migration and citizenship; globalization and urban development; racial and ethnic formation |
Smith, James | Davis | School of Law | jfsmith@ucdavis.edu | Immigration detention, deportation, criminalization, comparative immigration policies and migration of marginalized populations in Latin America, particularly Mexico. |
Bedolla, Lisa Garcia | Berkeley | Graduate School of Education/Politicial Science | lgarciab@berkeley.edu | How marginalization and inequality structure the political and educational opportunities available to members of ethnoracial groups, with a particular emphasis on the intersections of race, class, and gender |
Bloemraad, Irene | Berkeley | Sociology | bloemr@berkeley.edu | Immigration, political sociology, race & ethnicity, social movements, nationalism, research methods, Canada |
Choy, Catherine Ceniza | Berkeley | Ethnic Studies | ceniza@berkeley.edu | Asian American history, Philippine/Filipino American studies, contemporary U.S. immigration, international migration of nurses, transnational adoption |
Fox, Cybelle | Berkeley | Sociology | cfox@berkeley.edu | Race and Ethnic Relations, American Welfare State, Immigration, Historical Sociology, and Political Sociology |
Glenn, Evelyn Nakano | Berkeley | Ethnic Studies | englenn@berkeley.edu | citizenship, immigration, intersections of race and gender, care labor, colorism |
Guendelman, Sylvia | Berkeley | Public Health | sylviag@berkeley.edu | Reproductive health, access to healthcare, health along US-Mex Border, health issues of working women, obesity |
Hirschkind, Charles | Berkeley | Anthropology | chirschk@berkeley.edu | Religious practice, media technologies, and emergent forms of political community in the Middle East, North America, and Europe |
Holmes, Seth | Berkeley | School of Public Health | sethmholmes@berkeley.edu | Population health with focus on health disparities, social determinants of health, and global health |
Jastram, Kate | Berkeley | Law | kjastram@berkeley.edu | Refugee, migration, human rights law |
Liu, Mao-Mei | Berkeley | Sociology | Mao-Mei_Liu@Berkeley.edu |
Migration, social demography, sociology of families |
Um, Khatharya | Berkeley | Ethnic Studies | umk@berkeley.edu | Southeast Asia, refugees, transnational and diaspora studies, transnational civil society, human security, health and education |
Fee, Molly | Los Angeles | Sociology |
mfee@ucla.edu |
Political sociology, international migration, and forced migration |
Carter, Susan | Riverside | Economics |
susan.carter@ucr.edu |
Economic History of the Labor Market. History of the Chinese Restaurant in America |
Chao, Ruth K. | Riverside | Psychology |
Effect of parental involvement in school on adolescents’ school achievement and behavioral and psychological adjustment among Chinese, Filipino, and Mexican immigrants |
Riley, Alicia |
San Francisco |
Epidemiology/Sociology |
alicia.riley@ucsf.edu |
Cross-contextual research on health inequities, migration and aging, U.S.-Mexico border health |
Faier, Lieba |
Los Angeles |
Geography |
lfaier@geog.ucla.edu |
Cultural and spatial theory, feminist thought, ethnography, political economy, weather and natural resources, and relations among Japan, Southeast Asia, and the United States |
Gurowitz, Amy |
Berkeley |
Political Science |
gurowitz@berkeley.edu |
Questions of state and national identity; International norms and immigrant rights; Ethics and immigration/citizenship |
Hernandez-Leon, Ruben |
Los Angeles |
Sociology |
rubenhl@soc.ucla.edu |
International migration and immigration, border and diaspora studies, Mexico, Latin America |
Holston, James |
Berkeley |
Anthropology |
jholston@berkeley.edu |
Examines the worldwide insurgence of democratic citizenships in the context of global urbanization. Three considerations frame this work: those of theme, method, and critique |
Balloffet, Lily Pearl |
Santa Cruz |
Latin American & Latino Studies |
lballoff@ucsc.edu |
Migration and displacement; mobilities; modern Latin American history; Southern Cone; Argentina; modern Middle East; global south networks; spatial history; inter-American relations. |