- CCIS Books
- CCIS Working Papers
- Journal Articles
Working papers are posted in the order received and may be downloaded for free.
Working Parper #202: Beyond the Liberal and Illiberal Paradoxes: The Anocratic Hump in Refugee Protection and Asylum Recognition
Working Paper #201: The Release of Families Seeking Asylum across the U.S. Southwest Border
Working Paper #200: Migration and integration issues: The case of Azerbaijanis in the United States
Working Paper #199: Europeanization of Common Migration and Asylum Policies and the Visegrad Countries: From Policy-Takers to Policy-Makers?
Working Paper #198: The American Syrian Refugee Consensus*
Working Paper #197: The Divergent Convergence of Multiculturalism Policy in the Nordic Countries (1964-2006). Immigration Size, Policy Diffusion and Path Dependency
Working Paper #196: Mind the gap? Looking into restrictionism of elites and the public on integration and border policy towards asylum seekers and refugees in Denmark
Working Paper #195: Dimensions of the New Diaspora: African Immigrant Communities & Organizations in New York, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta
Working Paper #194: The Externalization of Europe's Border in the Refugee Crisis, 2015-16
Working Paper #193: Understanding Return Migration to Mexico: Towards a Comprehensive Policy for the Reintegration of Returning Migrants
Working Paper #191: In Their Own Words: A Nation Wide Survey of Undocumented Millennials
Working Paper #190: Re-Imagining the Nation in a World of Migration: Legitimacy, Political Claims-making and Membership in Comparative Perspective
Working Paper #189: Dimensions of the New Diaspora: African Immigrant Communities & Organizations in New York, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta
Working Paper #188: Open Doors (for Almost All): Visa Policies and Ethnic Selectivity in Ecuador
Working Paper #187: Contagious Disease, Epidemics, National Security, and U.S. Immigration: Historical Policy Responses
Working Paper #185: From Sheriff’s Deputies to Immigration Officers: Screening Immigrant Status in a Tennessee Jail
Working Paper #184: Managing Labour Migration in Europe: Ideas, Knowledge and Policy Change
Working Paper #183: Immigrant Retirement Prospects: From Bad to Worse?
Working Paper #182: Central American Migration to Mexico and the United States: The Influences of Gender on Destinations and Destinies
Working Paper #181: Estimates of the Cyclical Inflow of Undocumented Migrants to the United States
Working Paper #180: The Declining Use of the Mixtec Language Among Oaxacan Migrants and Stay-at-Homes: The Persistence of Memory, Discrimination, and Social Heirarchies of Power
Working Paper #179: Living Islam in Non-Muslim Spaces: How Religiosity of Muslim Immigrant Women Affect Their Cultural and Civic Integration in Western Host Societies
Working Paper #178: Anti-immigrant Sentiment and Welfare State Regimes in Europe
Working Paper #177: Globalización, inmigración y género: Vivencias, Laborales y género de mexicanos en EE.UU. y Marroquíes en España
Working Paper #176: Trapped at the Bottom: Racialized and Gendered Labor Queuesin New Immigrant Destinations
Working Paper #175: The Role of Ethnic Politics in U.S. Immigration and Refugee Policy: the Case of Soviet Jewry
Working Paper #174: Stability in a New Destination: Mexican Immigrants in Clark County, Ohio
Working Paper #173: Rescaling the “Alien,” Rescaling Personhood: Neoliberalism, Immigration, and the State
Working Paper #172: Diminished or Revitalized Tradition of Return? Transnational Migration in Bolivia’s Valle Alto
Working Paper #171: Integration and Differential Fertility in Latin American Women in Spain and the United States
Working Paper #170: Reforming the Management of Migration Flows from Latin America to the United States
Working Paper #169: The Imagined Return: Hope and Imagination among International Migrants from Rural Mexico
Working Paper #168: Assessing the Role of Pre-School Program Design in the Success Integration of Immigrant Children in Greece
Working Paper #167: Mexican Policy and Mexico – U.S. Migration
Working Paper #166: The Importance of Brain Return in the Brain Drain-Brain Gain Debate
Working Paper #165: Immigration Policing Through the Backdoor: City Ordinances, the “Right to the City,” and the Exclusion of Undocumented Day Laborers
Working Paper #164: Institutionalized Networks: The Role of Transportation Workers in West African Mobility
Working Paper #163: The Interrelationship Between Fertility, Family Maintenance, and Mexico-U.S. Migration
Working Paper #162: Agenda Setting, Public Opinion and the Issue of Immigration Reform
Working Paper #161: Globalization and its Impact on Migration in Agricultural Communities in Mexico
Working Paper #160: Integrating Immigrants: Morality and Loyalty in the U.S. Naturalization Practice
Working Paper #159: Differences in Productivity or Discrimination? Latin American and Caribbean Immigrants in the US Labor Market
Working Paper #158: Institutionalizing Precarious Immigration Status in Canada
Working Paper #157: National Security and Immigration in the United States after 9/11
Working Paper #156: Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Mexican Immigration: The Mexican-American Perspective
Working Paper #155: Characteristics and Business Profiles of Immigrant-owned Small Firms: The Case of Albanian Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Greece
Working Paper #154: The Effect of Political Unrest on Migration Decisions: New Evidence and Preliminary Findings from Oaxaca, Mexico
Working Paper #153: Mexican Immigrant Integration in the U.S. Southeast: Institutional Approaches to Immigrant Integration in Owensboro, Kentucky
Working Paper #152: Don’t Hassle me, I’m Local: The Integration of Latin American Settlers in the Delmarva Peninsula
Working Paper #151: Internalizing Immigration Policy within the Nation-State: The Local Initiative of Aguaviva, Spain
Working Paper #150: The Transit State: A Comparative Analysis of Mexican and Moroccan Immigration Policies
Working Paper #149: English Proficiency and Social Assimilation Among Immigrants: An Instrumental-Variables Approach
Working Paper #148: The Mexican Government and Organized Mexican Immigrants in the United States: A Historical Analysis of Political Transnationalism, 1848-2005
Working Paper #147: From Newcomers to Americans: An Integration Policy for a Nation of Immigrants
Working Paper #146: State, Citizenship, and Diaspora: The Cases of Jordan and Lebanon
Working Paper #145: From National Inclusion to Economic Exclusion: Ethnic Hungarian labour Migration to Hungary
Working Paper #144: The Transformation of Ethnic Neighborhoods into Places of Leisure and Consumption
Working Paper #143: Illegal Immigration from Mexico to the United States
Working Paper #142: Regularization Programs for Undocumented Migrants
Working Paper #141: Language Politics and Policy in the United States: Implications for the Immigration Debate
Working Paper #140: Rising Tensions Between National and Local Immigration and Citizenship Policy: Matrículas Consulares, Local Membership and Documenting the Undocumented
Working Paper #139: Fortress Russia: An Overview of the 2005 Russian Federation Sruvey on Immigration Attitudes and Ethnic Relations
Working Paper #137: Death and the Modern State: Making Borders and Sovereignty at the Southern Edges of Europe
Working Paper #136: Death and the Moral State: Making Borders and Sovereignty at the Southern Edges of Europe
Working Paper #135: Ethnosizing Immigrants
Working Paper #134: Burden Sharing: The International Politics of Refugee Protection
Working Paper #133: Voces de mujeres desde l inmigración: Una comparativa entre el asentamiento de marroquíes en España y mexicanas en EE.UU.
Working Paper #132: US Immigration Reform: Can the System be Repaired?
Working Paper #131: The Effect of Illegal Immigration and Border Enforcement on Crime Rates along the U.S- Mexico Border
Working Paper #130: Immigrant Replenishment and the Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Race: The Case of the Mexican-origin Population
Working Paper #129: Why Does Immigration Divide America?: Public Finance and Political Opposition to Open Borders
Working Paper #128: Immigrants and Health Agency: Public Safety, Health, and Latino Immigrants in North Carolina
Working Paper #127: Demographic Slump vs. Immigration Policy: The Case of the Czech Republic
Working Paper #126: Knocking at the Doors of “Fortress Europe”: Migration and Border Control in Southern Spain and Eastern Poland
Working Paper #124: Mexican Migration to the United States, 1882-1992: A Long Twentieth Century of Coyotaje
Working Paper #123: State and Emigration: A Century of Emigration Policy in Mexico
Working Paper #122: Borderlands and the Claims of Justice
Working Paper #121: Uniting Two Cultures: Latino Immigrants in the Wisconsin Dairy Industry
Working Paper #120: The Relationship Between Employment in Maquiladora Industries in Mexico and Labor Migration to the United States
Working Paper #119: De Paisano a Paisano: Mexican Immigrant Students and their Transnational Perceptions of U.S. Schools
Working Paper #118: Strategies for Survival: Migration and Fair Trade Organic Coffee Production in Oaxaca, Mexico
Working Paper #117: Determinants of Naturalization: The Role of Dual Citizenship Laws
Working Paper #116: “Domestic Slavery” versus “Workers Rights”: Political Mobilizations of Migrant Domestic Workers in the European Union
Working Paper #115: Faithfully Providing Refuge: The Role of Religious Organizations in Refugee Assistance and Advocacy
Working Paper #114: Domestic Insecurities: Female Migration from the Philippines, Development and National Subject-Status
Working Paper #113: Mexican Immigrant Political and Economic Incorporation
Working Paper #112: Does Policy Matter? On Governments’ Attempts to Control Unwanted Migration
Working Paper #111: Language Assimilation Today: Bilingualism Persists More Than in the Past, But English Still Dominates
Working Paper #110: Development of National Migration Regimes: Japan in Comparative Perspective
Working Paper #109: Cambios en la Inmigración a Resultas de la Política Restrictiva del Gobierno Espanol
Working Paper #108: Immigrants and Their Schooling
Working Paper #107: Media Images, Immigrant Reality: Ethnic Prejudice and Tradition in Japanese Media Representations of Japanese-Brazilian Return Migrants
Working Paper #106: Learning in Two Languages: Spanish-English Immersion in U.S. Public Schools
Working Paper #105: Immigration and Politics
Working Paper #104: What Holds Back the Second Generation? The Intergenerational Transmission of Language Human Capital Among Immigrants
Working Paper #103: Organizing Immigrant Communities in American Cities: Is this Transnationalism, or What?
Working Paper #102: Remittance Outcomes in Rural Oaxaca, Mexico: Challenges, Options and Opportunities for Migrant Households
Working Paper #101: From National Inclusion to European Exclusion: State, Nation and Europe in Ethnic Hungarian Migration to Hungary
Working Paper #100: Gender(ed) Migrations: Shifting Gender Subjectivities in Transnational Mexican Community
Working Paper #99: Tendencias Recientes de las Remesas de los Migrantes Mexicanos en Estados Unidos
Working Paper #98: Marking the Queue: Latino Day Laborers in New York’s Street Corner Labor Markets
Working Paper #97: On Deconstructing Immigrant Generations: Cohorts and the Cuban Émigré Experience
Working Paper #96: The Impact of Political Engagement on Social and Political Tolerance Toward Immigrants in Southern Europe
Working Paper #95: Foundations of U.S. Immigration Control Policy: A Study of Information Transmission to Mexican Migrants and the Role of Information as a Deterrent at the Border
Working Paper #94: Chinese Globalization and Migration to Europe
Working Paper #93: Self Selection Among Undocumented Migrants From Mexico
Working Paper #92: Controlling ‘Unwanted’ Immigration: Lessons from the United States, 1993-2004
Working Paper #91: Our Place in Someone Else’s House: Korean Americans and Gendered Identity in Global/Local Context
Working Paper #90: The Temporary Mexican Migrant Labor Program in Canadian Agriculture
Working Paper #89: Latino Independents and Identity Formation Under Uncertainty
Working Paper #88: Population Politics: Benjamin Franklin and the Peopling of North America
Working Paper #87: Language Skills and Evidence: Evidence from Childhood Immigrants
Working Paper #86: “Estado de Oro” o “Jaula de Oro”? Undocumented Mexican Immigrant Workers, the Driver’s License, and Subnational Illegalization in California
Working Paper #85: The Dynamics of Repeat Migration: A Markov Chain Analysis
Working Paper #84: The Relationship Between Legal Status, Rights and the Social Integration of the Immigrants
Working Paper #83: Constructing the Criminal Alien: A Historical Framework for Analyzing Border Vigilantes at the Turn of the 21st Century
Working Paper #82: On Vigilantism: A Model
Working Paper #81: Is Spanish Here to Stay? Contexts for Bilingualism Among U.S.- Born Hispanics, 1990-2000
Working Paper #80: Non Citizens, Voice, and Identity: The Politics of Citizenship in Japan’s Korean Community
Working Paper #79: Mexico-U.S. Migration and Labor Unions: Obstacles to Building Cross-Border Solidarity
Working Paper #78: Mobilizing in the Barrio: Conflicting Identities and the Language of Politics
Working Paper #77: A Tale of Two Borders: The U.S. Mexico and U.S. Canada Lines After 9-11
Working Paper #76: Crossing Borders in the School Yard: The Formation of Transnational Social Spaces among Chinese and Mexican Immigrants
Working Paper #75: Identity Projects at Home and Labor from Abroad: The Market for Foreign Domestic Workers in Southern California and Santiago, Chile
Working Paper #74: Lessons from a Protracted Refugee Situation
Working Paper #72: Human Rights and Citizenship: The Case of Mexican Migrants in Canada
Working Paper #71: Eurostars and Eurocities: Towards a Sociology of Free Moving Professionals in Western Europe
Working Paper #70: Prostitutes and Picture Brides: Chinese and Japanese Immigration, Settlement, and American Nation-Building, 1870-1920
Working Paper #69: The State and Racialization: The Case of Koreans in Japan
Working Paper #68: No Solution in Sight: The Problem of Protracted Refugee Situations in Africa
Working Paper #67: War in Iraq: An Impending Refugee Crisis? Uncertain Risks, Inadequate Preparation and Coordination
Working Paper #66: Refugees and the Red Cross: An Underdeveloped Dimension of Protection
Working Paper #65: Refugee or Internally Displaced Person? To Where Should One Flee?
Working Paper #64: Mexican Immigrant Communities in the South and Social Capital: The Case of Dalton Georgia
Working Paper #63: Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Ethnicity and the Economy in Enterprise
Working Paper #62: The Effect of Institutional Arrangements and Operations on Judicial Behavior in American Immigration Law – 1883-1893 and 1990-2000
Working Paper #61: Multilateral Cooperation, Integration and Regimes: The Case of International Labor Mobility
Working Paper #60: Let’s Talk: Dialogue Across Disciplines on Immigration and Integration Issues
Working Paper #59: International Migration, Self-Selection, and the Distribution of Wages: Evidence from Mexico and the United States
Working Paper #58: Rethinking the ‘Local’ and ‘Transnational’: Cross-Border Politics and Hometown Networks in an Immigrant Union
Working Paper #57: Spain as a Recent Country of Immigration: How Immigration Became a Symbolic, Political, and Cultural Problem in the “New Spain”
Working Paper #56: Temporary Foreign Workers Pogrammes: Policies, Adverse Consequences, and the Need to Make Them Work
Working Paper #55: The Dawn of a New Generation: The Historical Evolution of Inter-Generational Conflict and Cooperation in Korean American Organizational Politics
Working Paper #54: Moving Beyond the Policy of No Policy: Emigration from Mexico and Central America
Working Paper #53: Citizenship Solidarity and Rights Individualism: On the Decline of National Citizenship in the U.S., Germany, and Israel
Working Paper #52: States and their Expatriates: Explaining the Development of Tunisian and Moroccan Emigration-Related Institutions
Working Paper #51: Charting a Civic Border: Immigration and Naturalization in San Diego
Working Paper #50: Labor Market Incorporation of Immigrants in Japan and the United States: A Comparative Analysis
Working Paper #49: Gender and Migration: An Integrative Approach
Working Paper #48: Redefining the Boundaries of Belonging: Thoughts on Transnational Religious and Political Life
Working Paper #47: The “Brain Gain” Hypothesis: Third-World Elites in Industrialized Countries and Socioeconomic Development in their Home Country
Working Paper #46: “Them” or “Us”? Assessing Responsibility for Undocumented Migration from Mexico
Working Paper #45: Ethnic-Priority Immigration in Israel and Germany: Resilience Versus Demise
Working Paper #44: Political Economy, Sectoral Shocks, and Border Enforcement
Working Paper #43: Migration Merchants: Human Smuggling from Ecuador and China
Working Paper #42: Global Products, Embedded Contexts: The Interpretation of Consumption Practices Among Palestinian Migrants in Amman
Working Paper #41: Immigration, Economic Insecurity, and the “Ambivalent” American Public
Working Paper #40: Safe Haven: International Norms, Strategic Interests, and U.S. Refugee Policy
Working Paper #38: When Institutional Boundaries Meet New Political Ideas: Courts, Congress and U.S. Immigration Policy Reform
Working Paper #37: Farm Labor in California: Then and Now
Working Paper #36: Globalization, the State, and the Creation of Flexible Indigenous Workers: Mixtec Farmworkers in Oregon
Working Paper #35: Frontier Hybridization or Culture Clash? Trans-national Migrant Communities and Sub-national Identity Politics in Andalusia, Spain
Working Paper #34: Ciudadanías Excluduidas: Indígenas y Migrantes en México
Working Paper #33: Immigration Policy, Assimilation of Immigrants, and Natives’ Sentiments Towards Immigrants: Evidence from 12 OECD Countries
Working Paper #32: From Barrio to the ‘Burbs: Immigration and Urban Sprawl in Southern California
Working Paper #31: Does Border Enforcement Protect U.S. Workers from Illegal Immigration?
Working Paper #30: Towards Local Citizenship: Japanese Cities Respond to International Migration
Working Paper #29: Immigration Policies and their Impact: The Case of New Zealand and Australia
Working Paper #28: Politics, Race and Absorption: Israeli Housing and Education Policies for Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants 1984-1992
Working Paper #27: Death at the Border: Efficacy and Unintended Consequences of U.S. Immigration Control Policy
Working Paper #26: Demobilizing the Revolution: Migration, Repatriation and Colonization in Mexico, 1911-1940
Working Paper #25: Networks and Religious Communities among Salvadoran Immigrants in San Francisco, Phoenix and Washington D.C.
Working Paper #23: A Singular International Area: Border and Cultures in the Societies of the Strait of Gibraltar
Working Paper #22: Working on the Margins: Immigrant Day Labor Characteristics and Prospects for Employment
Working Paper #21: The Benefits of Being Minority: The Ethnic Status of the Japanese-Brazilians in Brazil
Working Paper #20: The Migration of High-Skilled Workers from Canada to the United States: Empirical Evidence and Economic Reasons
Working Paper #19: The Emigration of High-Skilled Indian Workers to the United States: Flexible Citizenship and India’s Information Economy
Working Paper #18: Rethinking Migration: High-Skilled Labor Flows from India the United States
Working Paper #17: Cleaning the Buildings of High Tech Companies in Silicon Valley: The Case of Mexican Janitors in Sonix
Working Paper #16: Migrants of the Information Age: Indian and Mexican Engineers and Regional Development in Silicon Valley
Working Paper #15: Silicon Valley’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs
Working Paper #14: Matching Workers to Work: The Case of Asian Immigrant Engineers in Canada
Working Paper #13: Self-Employment and Earnings among High-Skilled Immigrants in the United States
Working Paper #11: The H-1B Visa Debate in Historical Perspective: The Evolution of U.S. Policy Toward Foreign-Born Workers
Working Paper #10: U.S. Relations with Mexico and Central America, 1977-1999
Working Paper #9: Economic Restructuring, Immigration and the New Labor Movement: Latina/o Janitors in Los Angeles
Working Paper #8: Negotiating National Identity: Middle Eastern and Asian Immigrants and the Struggle for Ethnicity in Brazil
Working Paper #7: Economic Restructuring and Racialization: Incorporating of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in Rural Midwest
Working Paper #6: Gender Differences in Support for Radical Right, Anti-Immigrant Political Parties
Working Paper #5: The Unconventional Immigration Policy Preferences of Labor Unions in Spain, Italy, and France
Working Paper #4: Undocumented Migration in the USA and Germany: An Analysis of the German Case with Cross-References to the U.S. Situation
Working Paper #3: The Role of State in Influencing African Labour Outcomes in Spain and Portugal
Working Paper #2: African Immigrant Workers in Spanish Agriculture
Working Paper #1: Social, Spatial and Skill Mismatch Among Immigrants and Native-Born Workers in Los Angeles